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Length: 4:31
Rated Mature by 2 people. Recommended for Ages 18+

Grace always gets the truth.

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by Johnmkls  
She in fact did NOT play nice, straight up humbled him... If she ever interrogates me I'm telling her every damn thing I know on sight ()
by Archieneon  
That split always gets me😩, somebody check up on bro cuz he could've just told her whatever she wanted and maybe she would have spared him😂 ()
by NaijaPeach  
Shahrazad Lol...I can feel the kicks, those shoes look hard. I wonder why he decided to go mute all the way. ()
by Shahrazad  
He should tell her what she wants to know. Better for him! ()
by CarloRoyale  
I love this interrogation scene, with the guy bound and at the mercy of Grace's withering kicks. And that finale? Unbelievable! ()